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Proverbs 29:22 may be a helpful verse in this situation. Cedarville justifies their policy by referencing the Drug-free Schools and Communities Act, which requires universities to provide, Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on school property or as part of any school activities foremployees (Policy)orstudents (Code of Conduct) and a statement of disciplinary actions associated with those violations. I agree strongly with Tara. Feel free to email me at [emailprotected]. I could go on and about more experiences like this during my 2 and a half years at this horrible place. Facebook. Free thinkers, thanks! In conclusion, I dont think that students are better off if they go to these schools, and I would not encourage anyone to do so. "Each program at Cedarville University comes from a biblical world view. That rule ONLY applies to publicly shown movies. Because I want to go to Asbury. Homosexuality is also wrong,because it upset God to the extent of destroying sodom and gomorah. But the following schools nonetheless play host to a number of regulations that seem rather appalling to mainstream society, and this article takes an admittedly irreverent peek at a little of what they have to say. Leave your intelligent feedback down below or consider following CollegeTimes on Facebook or Twitter to stay updated or to get in touch! I know people are given the choice/make the decision to attend these schools, but they just sound so old-fashioned and boring. But God does not write off enjoying anything unless it is harmful to our bodies or hurts others, neither of which are true about alcohol. Here are two rules that are across the board on campus (that your RA will be giving you more detail about once you arrive on campus) . Same reason why youre allowed to practice pretty much any religion and go here. Commuter students cannot cohabitate with significant others or any peers of the opposite sex, either, and anyone hoping to get married before the age of 21 is highly encouraged to seek counseling and receive parental permission. Again, how many die every year from alcohol and tobacco? Nor have I lied to him about my history; including the fact that Im a divorcee from an arranged marriage at barely 16 to a man Id met twice, arranged to keep me out of trouble. My experience is that Asbury failed to portray the Christian faith in a serious way because She became more interested in the rules than the outcomes (Paul made a big deal of this in the bible). I graduated from ORU, great school! All of you commenting on this comment box are complete fools have you not forgotten what country you live in its the United States people. Of those admitted 972 enrolled in the . Access Gmail. As a matter of fact, Im taking a dance class currently! For these schools, leeching beyond the academic and school-related extracurricular functions and into the private lives of their students remains a high priority, with handbooks dictating very clearly how all of them must behave regardless of whether or not they live or play on campus. You are loved. Adding onto my last post you must have been reading a 40 year old manual when you wrote this stuff about Asbury. Sickening!!! Because the nude human body is just as detrimental to society as a sawed-off shotgun. We married after she graduated. Neither freshmen nor sophomores are permitted to drive cars to work, either. If you want information about these schools, do your homework by going straight to the source. Minor infractions include borrowing and not attending chapel and group devotions on a regular basis. Giving into that division will never bring peace. And was to that if I wear modest clothing my tattoos should not be a problem. Students are also prohibited from recreational drug use, misusing legally prescribed medications, or using synthetic street drugs or medical marijuana. Evansville, IN Deaconess Sports Park. Is there something wrong here? Bob Jones University requires all students to attend regular church, Sunday school, society, Bible conferences, artist series programs, and vespers services on campus, though not necessarily in a single week. Good job elarning to sneak though. All men and women are expected to dress modestly, stay well-groomed, and avoid tattoos and body piercings. You arent allowed to have any music by a contemporary artist or anything with even the slightest beat. Rules above and beyond that can get in between us and God, but condoning behavior that goes against His ways is very dangerous. The only strict rule they have is drinking and they wont kick you out if they find out you drank. My mothers beliefs were disliked, so when I became an orphan I was put into foster care by my family and forbidden to speak with my cousins or brother; I was a gateway for satan to taint them.. at 12 years old. Therefore, students are encouraged to portray servant attitudes toward Christ and other people in their dress and appearance. follow you to church? Would you consider keeping Cedarville dry but not trying to control students during breaks a reasonable middle ground, or is it more of a all-or-nothing for you? Cedarville College was established in 1887 by five godly men who envisioned a college that would provide Christian higher education. I know that not all Christian colleges and universities are this strict and can be good. In addition to outright banning the expected illegal and discourteous behaviors, premarital sex and homosexuality are considered as absolute in their alleged offense to God and society as stealing and lying. They understandably discourage illegal and discourteous behaviors such as excessive drunkenness, but generally harmless actions like possessing legal pornography, moderate drinking, disciplined gambling, dancing, sensuality, premarital sex, and homosexuality all remain condemned and held up as just as harmful to young, educated minds. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 3,540 undergraduate students. If anything, its pushing them further away because they feel even more separated from God. 3) If God destroyed a city because there were some gay people there, the takeaway shouldnt be that homosexuality is wrong, the takeaway should be that the Old Testament God is an evil monster who at best needs to be disobeyed and at worst needs to be destroyed. Submit Maintenance Work Order. How about youth? Perhaps they are harmful. While BYU does accept students who do not belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, they are still required to participate in the community as if they were. Some of the dating offenses include displays of affection beyond hand-holding both on- and off-campus, seeing one another in swimming or sunbathing attire, not exiting a car at the same time immediately upon turning off the engine, being caught alone together while at school, and going on single dates while a freshman. I wish that I could say that Asbury was an inspiration for my ethics and for the transformation in lifes journey but I have to say that came from my church experience, my family, UK, and other experience. If merely one look at offensive material is more powerful than the exalted Holy canons, your God sounds as defenseless against the Devil as you are. myCU - Cedarville University These risks include, but are not limited to, physical and mental dependency, damage to the heart and lungs, and, in some cases, death. . God created the creativity within human beings. I know Id want someone to visit me. This university has impacted my life in so many ways, and has helped me see just how to integrate my faith and integrity into my career. Yay secularism! Cedarville University is a Christian university located in Cedarville, Ohio. -Underage gambling is also against the law (and also gives into the sin of greed) My marriage has lasted almost 11 years so far, I have no illegitimate children and I have never been an embarrassment to my husband. Im very sorry that Pensacola was such a horrible experience for you but keep it to yourself. Social and dance clubs as well face quite a bit of consternation. Your email address will not be published. 20:1; Prov. I wonder if its the product of a fundamentalist Christian school (mine was formed at Catholic schools and cheering the murder of alleged gay people was never on the syllabus). This is taken from the oru web site . Evansville, IN Deaconess Sports Park. Theese rules are ridiculous, esp. In addition, anyone considering dating a classmate or other attendee must refrain from any sign of affection beyond handholding. Thats what you have to do in order to survive there. its not mans law they are concerned with, its, you know, His law.. However, responsible use is not sinful, which is our primary point in this article. Convocation was not that big of a dealit was actually pretty cool. 1 Corinthians 9:4 says, Do we not have the right to eat and drink? Paul goes on to argue that we should not do so if it would cause a stumbling block to other believers. You make it out to seem way worse than it is. I agree that dancing and such is probably a step to far, but the types of people who go to Christian colleges and the like are probably not as bothered by the restrictions you name. And obviously the floor leader used her positions power to sexually abuse you. One of my professors at UK went to my church (Southern Hills in Lexington), another of my UK professors dedicated his life to improve conditions for the poor in South America. These are CHRISTIAN colleges: did you expect them to accept homosexuality, occultism, and premarital sex? leftover elk tags wyoming; when did rumspringa originate; cedarville university crazy rules After dusk, mixed groups are not allowed to fraternize without chaperones because having a group of friends including males and females alike is not normal psychosocial behavior it is improper and apparently leads to premarital sex and dancing and other alleged affronts to Jesus. Carson outlines ten items that can be used to determine what constitutes a theologically disputable matterwhich Cedarville claims includes use of alcohol. What if the rule was actually because the majority of other schools have Title IX sexual assault cases involving the influence of alcohol? Im an army vet who went into humanitarian work when I left the army, honorably. when they prohibit homosexuality while prohibiting interaction with the opposite sex. I would like if you can wright me. No, they do not allow engaging in it, and I honestly think thats not something good. Most of my serious infractions involved demerits for not emptying the trash, not having two feet on the floor at morning light bell, hair touching my eyebrows and humming along to my roommate playing Dust in the Wind on his guitar. They are private institutions and can set their own policies. And Another note. No one is being coerced into paying thousands of dollars to go if they dont want to. Cashiers Office. Probably not. Are they genuinely pushing their students towards the path of Christ? In addition, they must refrain from participating in any pro-gay demonstrations or distribute literature involving equal marital and legal rights for their community. In addition, attendance at parties, clubs, casinos, restaurants, and bars is expressly prohibited except when no alcohol is present. 2:310; 1 Pet. All colleges, whether religious or secular, conservative or liberal, have written codes of conduct for their students and faculty. Jesus drank wine. A lot of the comments here seem to be objecting to what the author said by defending these schools. Long before QAnon, Trump, and Anti-Vaxx, The Dry Pledge was THE Litmus Test of your Salvation. It is not discouraged at all! I went to Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles and the school is laid back we can have alcohol on campus go to dance clubs if we want to,so I say this GO FUCK yourself you religious nuts, I attended Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles They dont have strict rules lie BJU which I think is a little extreme If I want to go to Dance Clubs or a bars I will Let them try to stop me because I will Tell to where to go and how to get there. Both my wife and I are hurt! She did meet some students who were unhappy with Asbury for various reasons, like any students at any college. Unfortunately, 1 Corinthians 8 is the famous and ever-taken-out-of-context passage used by Christians to justify substituting their convictions for Biblical truths. If, however, you only ensure that they grow up in an environment where these are banned, this only serves to increase their allure should they ever break free from the strict and dogmatic rules that you place to limit their actions. It is based on a set of core values and the Cedarville Covenant which shape each students experience at Cedarville University. Quite honestly, speaking as a Christian myself, attending a private Christian college is not always the best choice depending on your career path. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Sobering truth of Cedarvilles Archaic Prohibition Rules. Alcohol use can reduce a persons ability to make good decisions about sex and is commonly associated with various forms of sexual immorality, including sexual and physical assault. This rule is just so that, again, we dont have students doing the dirty on campus. I do not see why people judge these schools so harshly as a non-christian I still think that these colleges are not wrong. All resident and commuter students at Oral Roberts University are required to attend church at least twice a week and find themselves to a highly restrictive dress code. The students realize that they will be under strict rule. In addition, all students enrolled in 12 or more hours are required to attend at least one chapel event a week. You choose to goto these places and you definately visit them and see if it fits what you want a few years of your life to be a part of. Students who engage in underage drinking or provide alcohol to underage individuals may be subject to legal sanctions in addition to University penalties. Neither dancing nor tattoos are forbidden, although some forms of dancing would be inappropriate. Eliane There are some rules that I whish didn't exist, but I understand why they are inplace, so they don't bother me all that much. 2 min read. Look at history. 2A) A proper reading of the Sodom story shows that the sin that was committed was inhospitality to strangers Jesus also sites Sodom in this context, 2B) Lots daughters are offered up to the strangers is this an example of morality? Students are not to attend bars or clubs where alcohol is the primary feature. However, no mention is made of men wearing very short shorts or tank tops that expose most of their upper body. The big issue that I have is the way the university attempts to control activity while school is not in session and students are at home. Openly homosexual students are allowed to attend classes, but they must commit themselves to the same standards of staunch chastity as their heterosexual peers. The power is usually slanted in the parents favor, particularly in highly religious homes. It is not unreasonable for them to expect the students attending a Christian college to live up to the standards lai out for them.