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He seems to be failing completely, since the novel is actually the repetition of the same sentence (All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy), his wife wants to think things over because she does not understand his needs, and she knocks him out and down the stairs with the baseball bat, thus preventing him from completing his tasks. Dressed in red union suits (she wears two, which will eventually become apparent) with a light blue checked pinafore/jumper over them, she drinks coffee and smokes, reading a red paperback with gold lettering, The Catcher in the Rye. Peculiarly, they both were able to manifest individual force fields that made the Star Trek phasers ineffective. But what if we look at the name? Jethro was the father-in-law of Moses but I've found a very brief description of the plot of the book and it seems to be about a needle mill worker in the UK in the 19th century. More books than SparkNotes. Though the red milk carton and red cereal box have nothing to do with the red field mirroring the red sleeve earlier, even though they are in a completely different position, they end up visually standing in for that red field so we feel no real compulsion to look for it. Doing so, we see Snoopy's little yellow bird friend, Woodstock, using the helium balloon to fly away from the tub in the direction of the window. What is peculiar is that we see in this shot that both the radiant heaters to the right and left of the door leading into the "Gold Room hall" off the lobby also have forced air vents behind them. Tim Messenger, a local journalist claiming to have information for the police, is brutally killed by falling masonry as he's standing waiting to see Sergeant Angel. My superimposition of the girls and the bloody elevator, showing spatial/design similarities. The doctor sits down next to Danny. This ark eventually came to rest on a high mountain. THE DOCTOR: How did he manage to do that. (4:57) The two ended up spending eleven weeks working on the script. No, the drive was only three and a half hours. The disastrous flood that occurs at the . It's difficult for me to tell. Kubrick repeatedly used trains in his films as a symbol for synchronicity and cyclings of events. WENDY: We're just going to go in the other room for a few minutes and talk, then I'll come back and check on you, 'kay? Even when we know what is coming, Kubrick's presentation of the children is almost unfailingly eerie, shown just long enough, but too briefly for us to really register the ways in which the girls are dissimilar. WENDY: No, he didn't like it too much at first, and then he had an injury so we kept him out for a while, and, yeah, I guess that's about the time I first noticed that he was talking to Tony. Notice also that there are toys scattered about the floor including, to Jack's left, a small black teddy bear with its torso clothed in red - a foresight of Halloran's death. My superimposition of the previous bedroom/bathroom scene with this one. Ullman has a bit of quirk where he often rubs his finger against the side of his nose or beneath it, bringing to mind Danny's Tony who assumes presence via Danny's index finger. The next instance of the Fleur-de-lis is when Alex is locked in an attic from which he attempts to commit suicide,, the wallpaper of it covered with Fleur-de-lis. And that's it for Bill Watson's speaking role in this scene. The scene takes place after Jack dies in the snow. Give Shining alter pls HG? There seems a hint of it when Stuart is first talking about the tragedy during the winter in 1970, though I'm uncertain of that. JACK: Susie, how do you do? Finally, on a relational level, he has to face his wife and his son, who seem to be an obstacle to all his tasks, and the ghosts as well symbols of evil, power, and immortality who want him to be part of their world.5 Obviously, the three levels intertwine: in order to avoid the dreaded failure, Jack desires both to write the novel (though he has no inspiration) and to make a good impression on his employers. A Note on 8 and 1/2 I made the trip in 3 and a half hours. Kubrick has been fairly faithful to other design elements but has left out this fylfot, which could be mistaken as a version of a swastika. The Montana mountains and the road shown in the opening, which I've discussed in that section, I think are likely chosen not just for their beauty but for Montana being known as the land of Shining Mountains. Still, Lokai and Bele are unable to resolve their differences and chase each other back down to that world, the storyline ending so that we have no idea as to their fate. In other words, the theater's revival has revived the past. At this old theater, the Bijou, they play mostly these terrible old cowboy and Indian films (which were made for this film). Crossfade to office begins at 5:10.) A similar arrangement occurs here. JACK: I certainly can and I also understand why your people in Denver left it for you to tell me. Teaching's been more or less a way of making ends meet. Or we may just be seeing through the blue cloth the white of underslilps. Film footage displays a desert scene, the heat of the boiler is raised, everyone sweats and thirsts. JACK: Well, that hmmm just happens to be exactly what I'm looking for. 43 - The kitchen viewed behind Wendy. This same print will be observed again at the end of the film in a foyer where we will finally view characters entering and exiting the lodge, specifically when Wendy goes out to inspect the Snow Cat which Jack has disabled, when Dick arrives, and when Jack leaves the lodge to chase Danny into the maze. Anyone familiar with the original design work and the resemblance to the fylfot could indeed read into the blood flowing from the elevators a connection to the holocaust. Say like if someone burns toast. We will be looking, constantly, to see where the elevator hall fits into the labyrinth of the Overlook. WENDY: Hello. THE DOCTOR: Oh Has it anything to do with it being the Kensington? This is more than reliance on single point photography for connecting scenes. Silence. From now on, the protagonist deals with his desire in the most extreme and irreversible way, since he does not come back to his senses. There are radiant heaters in this section. GOT LITERARY FICTION Beyond the double doors to this hall, presently closed, are a man and a woman whose positioning conveniently conceals the place where is the aforementioned photograph that will only be revealed at film's end. Certainly, if one takes a look around the web at the Ahwahnee, one easily understands why Kubrick would have chosen the striking hotel in Yosemite as an influence for the lodge's interior. One tries to rectify the incongruities in the story, wondering if one should comprehend Jack as having periodically attempted to quit drinking and Wendy having been reluctant to leave him. When they used the phrase, they meant that they aimed to kill Danny, making him a ghost in the hotel. Humbert's position on the stairs reminds of Jack's pursuit of Wendy up the great staircase in the Colorado Lounge in "The Shining", Humbert climbing these stairs in "Lolita" as he gunned down Quilty. At any rate, this subplot is not developed, so that in both versions the liquor primarily represents a magical potion that sanctions Jacks evil pact with Lloyd (and the Overlook through him) and therefore allows him to start the adventure in the Special World. At the same time, the 12 stages and most of the archetypes of the heros journey as theorised by Vogler3 are traceable in The Shining, albeit being peculiarly distributed between Jack and Danny.4. Cut back to the bloody hall. THE DOCTOR: Do you remember when you were brushing your teeth? Just a few moments before we had heard the sounds of children at play outside and though we'd not seen those children the audience is not entirely convinced that there are no children around with whom Danny could play. Christiane Kubrick and Vivian KubrickStanley's wife and daughter, respectivelyhelped with both the design and the music, though Vivian might be better known for the on-set documentary she made, The Making Of The Shining. In Stephen King's "The Shining," the recurring image of blood pouring from elevators foreshadows the violence that takes place later in the story. Jack Nicholson is responsible for the only line from The Shining to make it onto AFIs Top 100 Movie Quotes. DANNY: Talking to Tony. Danny has his vision of the Overlook. (9:41) 22 - Bill, Stuart and Jack in Ullman's office. Kubrick's inclusion of "Woman and Dog" returns us to The Killing. According to Hughes, the film would have had to earn $30 million to be profitable. Two interviews. A shower curtain is drawn across the bathtub, sunlight shining bright through a high window behind it. Jack, in King's novel, was fired from his job at a prep school due an altercation with a student, but this is never mentioned in the film and no clear reason is ever given for the family being in Colorado, so one could possibly look upon The Catcher in the Rye as filling in that lost part of the story. What's the distraction? The Awakening of Jacob and those union suits. The lobby, its influences, and the dissociation of the lodge's interior from its exterior. Kubrick was notorious for his lengthy film productions. The Torrance's apartment in Boulder is standard fare for the era. Fig. (6:07) Jack convivially wonders why. Bill Watson looks quietly, solemnly, uncomfortably on as Ullman begins to relate the story. Cut to Wendy washing dishes, still in her union suits and blue overdress, and we now see an Indian beaded belt about her waist. An additional reinforcement of tennis ball throwing as a metaphor for axe swinging is that Jack slams the ball against the floor just a few metres away from where he later kills Halloran. Jack remembers his father beating his mother and dealing with his own addiction to alcohol. She's a confirmed ghost story and horror film addict. The question posed is how did it happen? Nevertheless, the three-act structure2 is respected: the first act starts at the beginning and ends when Danny enters the Colorado Lounge with bruises on his neck; the second act starts when Jack enters the Gold Room in anger and ends when Grady releases him from the pantry; the third act occupies the remaining part of the film until the closing credits start. Shot 45. As a sort of Hero, the boy must learn how to use his power in a self-conscious manner. It happens at 1:38:56 when Hal, over the radio, is saying it's a "bad day out there". These angles not only seem to push the eye toward the center of the screen, they also are dynamic enough that they provide a similitude that ties these shots together. The music quickly fades, replaced with the sounds of traffic. This wallpaper appears at no other point in the film. foreshadowing, jack crosses the circle where dick will later lie slain - how ambient audio unconsciously constructs and complements environment Jack has glanced in the direction of a model of the hotel's maze as he crossed the circle upon which Dick will later fall when he is murdered by Jack, who will have been hiding in the lobby behind a pillar. Jack has already just entered the lodge as the scene opens, we do not see him come up to the lodge from his car, as another director might have chosen to show. NOTE: Jay writes to me: "Speaking of mining, just watched 'Carson City' for the first time, today, and I'd like to respectfully offer a slight correction to what you cite in your analysis, for you indicated that in the scene on the telly in Boulder, Randolph Scott's character is talking to a conspirator, yet it is actually the scene where Jeff has been surveying one bore (the transit tool is visible in the scene) and is now talking to the banker who hired Jeff and is bankrolling the railroad project and is there to complain about the negative press the project has been garnering." Except for the bathroom. In the Jewish and Christian myth, Noah (NVCh, meaning "rest") and his family alone were preserved in an "ark" on which were also two of each kind of animal. In Chapter I, when Edna and Robert return from the seashore, Edna smiles at Robert even as she retrieves her wedding ring from her husband, foreshadowing her eventual affair. Having learned via John Bourassa that the cartoon playing is the "Stoop! The way that the camera tracks the pair emerging from Danny's room and continuing to the living room is curious as it skews the relationship of that hall with the remainder of the apartment. He ended up having a role in a TV film two years later, but that was the extent of his acting career. The masses of books make due with utility shelves, if they ever make it out of the box. DANNY: Because he hides. This suggests that the Overlook and its ghosts are symbols of archetypical and sempiternal psychosocial issues. That pretty well clinches it for me that Kubrick, by means of Salinger's Coming Through the Rye book, was referring to The Smallest Show on Earth, and by means of it the silent film and book, Comin' Through the Rye. And I think you can appreciate why I wanted to tell you about it. Some claim that it would have been characteristic of the director to individually prepare each page. Four people are seated in an area on the screen right side of the main door. THE DOCTOR: That's good, now the other one. The ponderous wood of the credenza that holds the TV was standard fare. Just mulling here, throwing out some ideas on how Z can be interpreted symbolically if one wonders if there is some meaning behind Kubrick changing the design. THE DOCTOR: Now, Danny, can you remember what you were doing just before you started brushing your teeth? This simple description applies not just to Dannys experience, but also to the actual film structure. Through Kings skill with language, Jacks descent into madness and violence is almost painful to read. The presence of boxes in the background immediately communicates impermanence, transience. JACK: Do you mind if I ask why you do that? (7:57) THE DOCTOR: Did the appearance of Danny's imaginary friend We've the same feeling of symmetry here that will be found in the halls and the Colorado Room. Sometimes they see things that happened a long time ago.. My husband had uh been drinking, and he came home about three hours late, so he wasn't exactly in the greatest mood that night, and, well, Danny had scattered some of his school papers all over the room and my husband grabbed his arm, you know, to pull him away from them. In Dannys vision of the murdered twins, Kubrick very subtly uses this device again. WENDY: Yeah, I know. A lot of this foreshadowing is shown to the reader in the form of Danny's ability, 'the shining'. What appears to be a blue box showing Q-tips Cotton Balls stands on the first shelf of the bookcase beside the alabaster bull figurine, and could possibly be taken as a stand-in for a blue sky with clouds considering its placement above the horizon line. There are many reasons to use foreshadowing in writing, including building suspense, sparking curiosity, and preparing your reader for that "aha" moment. The Kubrick Corner has a fascinating clip extracted from a movie called Carson City which is the one that happens to be playing in the background during the scene in which Wendy answers Jack's call from the hotel. Boundaries decimated, made meaningless, the office can itself seem to begin to disappear, melting away as greenery invades. We're well on our way to the anticipated train crash of an ending. Foreshadowing often appears at the beginning of a story, or a chapter, and helps the reader develop expectations about the coming events in a story. The family has progressively torn apart as the hotel works to corrupt Jack Torrances mind. Repeatedly throughout The Shining, Kubrick bombards us with visual, auditory and conceptual hints of what is about to happen next. Esau would lose not only his birthright to Jacob, but his father's blessing as well, through Jacob's guile and his deceit of masquerading as Esau in order to procure the blessing. In the 119 version, the alcoholism problem is absent: the liquor that Jack asks Lloyd for and then drinks seems to be desired only in order to dampen his anger, with no other implications. Differently from his parents, he does not seem to be willing to go to the Overlook, because his imaginary friend Tony does not want to. 54 MS Jack. Tony tells Danny that he is going to remember something that Jack forgot. He stands out, fitting in neither as a lodger nor as a hotel employee. In the far background, between them, we see an older man standing behind the model of the maze, looking over it--the same man who had entered the hall by the elevators as Jack, just after glancing toward the maze, trod upon the spot where he will later kill Dick and we heard the first "sha". Foreshadowing is used as a literary device to tease readers about plot turns that will occur later in the story. See? Basil Dearden, director of The Smallest Show on Earth, also was one of the directors showcased in the old horror classic Dead of Night. He played Major T. J. As we're not shown the hall again there is a vague disorientation about how parts of the setting fit together.Below is the best I can quickly draw up as an approximation of the layout of the apartment. "Flock of Loons" is also seen near the secondary exit/entrance Wendy and Jack use to exit the lodge toward the end of the film. STUART: Have any trouble finding us? What this difference in dominance means (or how it functions) will be discussed in the "Saturday" section. ing fr-sha-d-wi plural foreshadowings Synonyms of foreshadowing : an indication of what is to come If the history of the world were a novel, the events so strikingly chronicled in the photographs in this book would seem a foreshadowing of the recent events Ralph Novak This visual arrangement almost looks like Wendy is actually being killed with the axe. We will later realize that the lobby in no way is feasible in respect of either the Timberline exterior shots of the lodge or the studio exterior shots of the lodge, which will be the case also with the Colorado Lounge and other rooms as well. Before we continue on and out of the bedroom, to review the conversation, Danny has given in reverse order what happened in the bathroom. Shot 113. Wendy uncomfortably laughs. This tunnel that is blasted through from two ends, meeting in the middle--is Kubrick making also reference to Hezekiah's serpentine tunnel that was dug from opposite directions to meet in the middle, channeling water from the upper spring of Gihon to the lower pool of Shiloah? 45 MCU of Jack. This gives the reader the ability to picture the horror of the surroundings and also the isolation. I was about to explain that, uhm, our season here runs from, uh, May 15th to October 30th, then we close down completely until the following May. Because readers know how much he cares about his wife and son through flashbacks and Kings use of free indirect style, it is even more, moving to hear of his intense personality change and desire to inflict harm upon his family. Because of their near symmetry, and because the scenes are slightly off and not perfectly symmetrical, I thought it might be interesting to overlay the elevator hall with the hall of the girls and see how they relate. (14:46). 83 MCU Doctor. He's looking forward to the hotel, I bet. Fig. The silver service he was carrying isn't on the table between the man and the blond woman, nor do we see it with the two older women. The Two Types of Photographs in the Hotel Susan Sontag's Illness as Metaphor. That's the impression given. However, he does not succeed: Danny entraps him in the maze by erasing his footprints i.e., the only possible clues in order to find the way out. THE DOCTOR: Have you been in Boulder long. My greater concern (with a couple exceptions) is keeping an eye on what Kubrick's choices of music bring to the film in the stories suggested by their titles, and the same too with certain important symbols in the film, the stories often associated with them that are transported into the film by virtue of the use of the symbol and the mythology attached to it. At the Ahwahnee, and in the film's lodge, the columns are painted at the top with borders of a repetitive design, the Overlook's being different from the Ahwahnee. Danny is lying on his bed on a fuzzy bear pillow, a doctor bent over him, examining him, as Wendy stands to the rear, clearly anxious. WENDY: What about Tony? I'm outlining a new writing project and five months of peace is just what I want. Fig. A train is mentioned in King's book, Hallorann relating that due his shining, when his brother was killed in a train derailment, he was aware of it before anyone had a chance to tell him. She may be the blond woman who was seated in the grouping to whom another waiter had appeared to be carrying a silver tray service when Jack was earlier in the lobby. A 3-d paper fold-out of a helium balloon hangs from the ceiling. It leaps out of her arms and pursues the motorized cart that carries the suitcase holding the money from Johnny's robbery of the racetrack. (14:55) 63 MS Danny's bedroom. . STUART (removing glasses): Yes? He fears the possibility of divorce more . (6:40) DANNY: You do too know. On the counter we see a jar of Peter Pan peanut butter, Smuckers jelly, a canister of grape Koolaid, Fruit Loops, and other items. Foreboding, naturalistic, surreal, horrific, suspenseful, and voyeuristic. We should be aware of this at least subconsciously as we have just viewed the lobby's elevator area extends far beyond the office, having even briefly observed the hall that is behind the office, the elder man who will later examine the maze having come from that hall. During cowboy and Indian chase scenes involving a train, the train that runs by the theater coincidentally passes at the same time, shaking it up, coincidentally stops when the train stops on the screen, then restarts when the train on screen restarts. My first thought on the designs at the height of these columns in the film had been to wonder if we might have somewhere in the Overlook the Greek Key, a meander border which was associated with the labyrinth, which would befit the maze (which we have yet to see), the Greek Key composed in such a way that when enlarged it formed a labyrinth. 11 We hope that our analysis will offer a well-founded starting point from which to test the validity of the interpretative literature on The Shining as well as to further develop it. A reason the red field to the right isn't noticed generally, and we don't look for to what it belongs, is that Wendy's leg in the foreground seems to pull the eye into her and the laundry basket on the stand of the ironing board in the background that then seems to link the eye over to Danny. Shot 124. The scene in which Wendy is swinging a bat at Jack is an example of this pushing. The lobby, with its radiators, aappears to be dependent on radiant heat. Kubrick would have appreciated the presence of a Mirror Lake at Mount Hood considering his interest in doublings. The place was first called Luz, so its original name was supplanted. I have no idea. 25 - The photographs behind Bill are different than the others normally observed. As his glance meets the woman's, he crosses the spot where Dick will be standing when Jack leaps out from behind the nearby pillar and kills him. In Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451," the repeated references to books being banned and burned foreshadow the eventual destruction of books and knowledge in the story's dystopian society. Just as the chairs and radiant heaters are symmetrically positioned in the elevator hall, but do not perfectly mirror, the girls are not absolutely identical and not equal in dominance. At least three times we see women in pairs carrying luggage about. Just as Wendy wears two pairs of union suits, we do, in a way, have two Wendys. GradeSaver, 18 October 2019 Web. Go figure. He feels as though he finally understands why his father had to hit his mother. Comin' Through the Rye An owl sits above the rainbow and another image of Snoopy. He doesn't just cut it out, he jumps a few seconds into a following segment, letting us hear the elastic kind of sound (like rubber bands) of one of those boxes with a handle you press down so TNT goes off, and there's a big explosion that follows that in the cartoon but Kubrick cuts that out. The author alludes to the tourist industry in that the Overlook is a summer resort and not open during the winter, whereas the resorts that Hallorann goes to work at subsequently are year round. "Those huge corridors and ballrooms couldnt fit inside. 28 MS of Bill, Stuart and Jack. Cut to two girls who appear to be twins. Jack says it doesn't bother him. In A Clockwork Orange, in Alex's prison room, is a comic book with a picture of a train about to collide with an old horse and buggy, but it is modern era and the comic book story concerns a photographer marveling over the ghost buggy and his being able to take a photo of a past event inserting itself into the present. Lunch with Danny, Wendy, Tony, The Catcher in the Rye, and the Kensington, Shots 12 through 20 I love how the shade on the lamp between the doctor and Wendy is slightly askew. OK? Is the desirable state one of equilibrium, such as had at the equinoxes? The Rainbow in Danny's Room and His Black-out Compared to A Clockwork Orange and the Invitation to the End of the Rainbow in Eyes Wide Shut The bank owner who's told this is surprised by the fact, and it's explained to him that the reason there are two is that they are being drilled from opposite sides of the mountain to meet in the middle. When Wendy had brought Tony into the conversation, it had been to try to get the agreement of another party in going to the Overlook. JACK: Well, it's certainly got plenty of that So he manufactured ways in which other people could do it, lopping a piece at a time off himself and their family. Both the Hebrew and Greek words for the rainbow harbor a relationship with the eye, and I'll note here that the Greek iris, iridos, a rainbow, lily, iris of the eye, is given as originally meaning a messenger of the gods as personified by the rainbow. (5:06. (5:14 crossfade from Boulder apartment ends.) Jack wants to bring his family to the hotel for a fresh new start but it is actually the end of their family and the end of Jack's life. -In the same scene, Jack recites lines from the story of The Three Little Pigs, which is eerily relevant, as he is acting as the Big Bad Wolf, but also because Danny is able to escape due to his mother's quick thinking. He is unsettled, and it has taken him a moment to gather himself and think how to respond. Fig. -Mr. Ullman tells Jack about the former caretaker of the hotel who murdered his family before committing suicide. Referring back to The Wizard of Oz and its over the rainbow adventure, we have at the beginning here the potential of a dream story that makes use of elements of real life and can be accepted as having actually occurred at least for the journeying dreamer. To the best of my knowledge, below are the timings of the voicing: There is an article in the issue about incest, so the most common theory is that Kubrick was subtly implying that Danny may have experienced sexual abuse. The hotel boiler explodes and the hotel is demolished, allowing Wendy, Danny, and Dean to escape. 69 MCU Wendy. A reader has also written to let me know that there seems to be a "sha" sound when Dick is driving through the snowstorm to get the Snowcat. The floors read B L 2 3 4. On a psychological level, Jacks fatal flaw pertains both to the fear of failure and particularly in the 144 version to alcoholism. 57 MCU Two girls. The Shining moon landing connection is the one theory that extends film and into the life and work of Stanley Kubrick in general. It was one of the top 10 highest-grossing films of 1980. Classic 60s design is down at the Salvation Army waiting for a new home, or rotting in a landfill, replaced with cheap 70s ugly lamps and faux wood coffee table and end tables. (15:59) People in the Torrance's station of class would be trying to transition from a more 60s flavor of impoverished student style of decoration to one that connoted some stability, as represented in the heavy credenza and coffee table and end tables, and the matching brown sofas. A version of this story originally ran in 2018 and has been updated for 2022. Fig. JACK: Right. 24 - "How about your wife and son? She also wears two gold necklaces. View its location taken from Google street view. As Kubrick cut to this shot, a blond woman in white crosses from right to left behind Jack and continues across the lobby. She is homogeneously dressed in a shirt of a similar color to the terra cotta columns and a plaid vest that resembles the plaid jacket worn by the man with spectator shoes. As for the splicing together of seeming three separate versions of the desk, Kubrick uses the same technique for the encounter in Room 237, showing seemingly three different versions, while Jack is present in the room and Danny and Dick are shining it, so we are never confident of who was seeing what.