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If you have this placement, you should find on the cusp of which house is Pisces in your birth chart. Getting high. would fit with what you said about increased intuition etc? I have a golden yod with energy funneled to moon in my 3rd house cancer, other corners are sun in aquarius 11th house and Uranus in sag in my 8th. In this article, I am going to talk about traditional aspects which are said to point to beauty. Brainstorm: Moon/Ascendant Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Moon and Ascendant. Then, you can all too easily surrender much of whom you still are, and can be, to others, and your given circumstances. The influence of the conjunction of Neptune and the Ascendant on fate. When a planet sits in the first house or even more significantly on the ascendant it can really speak about the way we look, Neptuneis romantic and poetic, musical and dreamy. All feedback is appreciated . Ive noticed people that are really sexy, and sophisticated have this aspect. It is also the planet of dreams, sleeping, medication, modified consciousness. Unfortunately, you are more susceptible to addiction than most others, and to poisoning and overdose. Shouldnt he let her go? I still think aspects are the most accurate method in astrology. Transiting Neptune is precisely conjunct my ascendant at 18 Pisces these days. Intuition and spontaneous inspiration motivate all actions. Other people find you attractive as soon as they meet you. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. Dont forget that this planetary energy is deceitful. Save 35% off reports! She didnt handle the situation with her new love very well either. Neptune in the 1st house. Dreamy top heavy eyes, beautifully adorned makeup and hair. Karma chameleon. Venus Conjunct Neptune Synastry - Romantic + Fantastical Using your birth date,time and location you can access the detailed reports and features, easy to use menu layout great for beginners as well as advanced students of astrology. Neptune Conjunct/Opposition Asc: Gives one soft features. SHOP NOW 35% off reports through March 22nd Dismiss. Question-how does having my natal Venus in retrograde change all of this up or affect it? Also Im having some kind of an allergic reaction right now thats blowing up my right eye area. Or on a more general level at least how particular configurations affect how we look and the image we identify with. This planet rules inspiration, fantasy, spirituality, union with the divine, otherworldly experiences. Give me some time. Transient persona. My natal Neptune is conjunct my Scorp ascendant (Leo Sun). Expecting divine intervention. In fact, you should take the exact opposite approach to all dealing with other people. Youll have to take responsibility for all your behaviors. Venus . What if the ascendant is Pisces and Neptune in the natal chart is very well aspected by sun and moon? http://www.astro.com/tmpd/c4bmfileXKtu1S-u1439514071/astro_w2gw_01_charles_butcher.71673.11021.gif. There will be times when you do want to disappear or become invisible. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. I'm not familiar with his music but the small detail of him buying some cookies fucking saddens me. But alas, no beauty. Brainstorm: Neptune / Ascendant Astrology Aspects - ASTROFIX Good to hear you are getting right into it Pete. You will receive an email within 24 hours please check spam folder. Stars With Neptune OnThe Ascendant / Prominent InThe First House, Clockwise: Dolly Parton, Kelly Rowland, Janet Jackson, Nelly Furtado, Bjork, Maya Angelou, Norah Jones, Anne HathawayAnd Alicia Keys. An unreal approach to life. Bending to the will or direction of others. I would say Bella with Saturn can be a downfall. I have Neptune closely conjunct my Ascendant the orb is about 3 degrees. Neptune conjunct ascendant is an indicator of strong intuition, you just need to filter out the noise. Venus conjunct Neptune natal makes you a romantic, an idealist and a dreamer. considered whether their MC sign reflects the characters with which the edge of self-annihilation. With Neptune confusing and blurring the waters in thehouse of self, a person with this particular planetin the first house could have a skewed view of themselves, a confusion that could lead body dysmorphia. Users should take care, not to overdose. My friend has libra rising with Venus in the 1st house, Saturn is also in the first house though and is conjunct the ascendant. Well, Neptune is this big visionary planet that does not work well together with reality. Attractiveness by Sun for male and Moon for female. Synastry- Neptune Conjunct to partners' ascendant Truth In Aspect Astrology/ Jewel 49.6K subscribers Subscribe 182 3.6K views 7 months ago Synastry- Conjunctions to ascendant Brief. perfectly aligned with, the other . Brainstorm: Moon / Neptune Astrology Aspects. hmm maybe.. shipping calculated at checkout to other worldwide locations. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Brainstorm: Jupiter/Neptune Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between Jupiter and Neptune. The people are drawn to each other, but the ascendant person feels this conjunction more intensely. You are more susceptible to addiction and poisoning. It is associated with dreams, inspiration, psychic receptivity and illusion. Leading an enchanting life. Perhaps waiting for someone to point you in the right direction instead of figuring a direction out for yourself. Difficulty grounding in the here and now. It all sounds pretty negative and pessimistic, does it have to be that way? Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. It really is. When I read what you said about this difficult transit, Jamie, I would have laughed if there hadnt been so much hurt involved! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. She has been having a lot of trouble with her feet. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, so it makes sense that it would indicate beauty. This aspect also indicates someone with a beautiful, proportionate body. Architectural Digest 2023 - Star Sign Style. Neptune Opposite Ascendant (Conjunct Descendant) This Neptune-Ascendant aspect can be particularly rewarding or troublesome depending on other aspects & the general attitude of the person. Inability to believe that life is actually happening right now, and youre in it. These activities are great outlets for this planetary energy. So true! with new monetization method. mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng, Download the free AstroMatrix Horoscopes App, What obstacles you may face in regards your work life, health and relationships using your Birth chart & Transits. asteroid hobby (97472) aspecting sun, venus, uranus, or neptune. Picasso and Richard Nixon. Weakness. Those with Scorpio on the Very often, years to correct the stress inflicted on his adrenal gland. You must develop skills of discernment and learn how to filter out negative energies or spiritual entities which you see, hear, or in some other way sense. These guys are gals were born to be beautiful! Similarly, there are also ways that you don't want to be known or understood. Someone I know well had this transit on and off from about April 2016, using a 2-degree orb, till the end of January this year. thirty two. This person would age better as they get older. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. Discovered in 1846, Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. When Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, comes into conjunction with Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and relationships, there can be a strong attraction that borders on obsession. The ascendant conjunct Neptune in synastry is an ambiguous placement. You may simply feel weak or less sure about yourself. This can lead these folks to present an altered view of themselves to the world. Having difficulty manifesting in the physical universe. Neptune rules chemicals, the ocean, movies, anything without borders that lifts us up into a higher state of consciousness. Placements? You have to remove yourself or lock yourself in a room in response to sensory overload. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. However, others often dont have the correct idea of you, and they paint you over in their mind according to their own perception. Celebrity examples with Neptune conjunct ascendant: This is a fascinating aspect, but is it good? But youre clearly wrong. This article is included in the Angles: Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven & IC Astrology eBook. Neptune sextile Ascendant. Lilith Or Pluto conjunct Asc: Im pretty sure youve heard the about Lilith, and her popularity. arts-themed films. This aspect can also point to those who are very fond of plastic surgery, make up, and photoshop (Kylie Jenner has this aspect, and I mentioned Kim Kardashian above). Astrolada | login The watery planet Neptune governs the sea, so its possible that Neptune sitting so closely to the image we project could have a wet or tear-stained persona! Yet, I do not believe it would not give sex appeal. This will tell you if they are attracted to you! Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. Missing what is right in front of your face. Transcendental planets are not always easy to integrate in a healthy way, but they give you a special energy to move forward and advance both your life and the life of others. Trying to understand who you are and how you fit into the larger picture can cause confusion, low self-esteem and isolation. All feedback is appreciated. The spiritual nature of this transit makes you feel optimistic and trusting, believing in universal love and compassion. Ethereal energy. It's very spiritual in nature and symbolizes cosmic consciousness. She surrounds herself with beauty, it really is like entering a different world when you are around her. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. It is also associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment. It represents 'the illusion', spreading a watery veil over matters and distorting the view. Brainstorm: Venus/Ascendant Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Venus and the Ascendant. It is as if you are wearing a label on your shirt that says sucker which attracts all kinds of sleaze bags, con artists and junkies. Compassion calls you into serving others. Three separate courses of antibiotics over less than two months time. Your urge to help others would be better applied to charity work or a nursing home. I find it interesting that so many stars with this placement gravitate towards the Victoriana style of Alice in Wonderland, the most dreamy Neptunian character possible! This brainstorm-style interpretation of the lord of the first house will spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings in astrology. These people exude these qualities to the rest of the world. In your chart, if Neptune is well aspected will indicate a great inner sensitivity, to manifest dreams and become highly creative. I have Neptune in the 12th conjunct ascendant in cap. Not always. Can make someone a lover of beauty, but, never themselves able to obtain it. Because of its mystical quality, it becomes much more difficult to actually notice the moment when things go wrong. They will immediately feel a psychological bond and they will always know exactly how the other feels. This may be because some people tend to project . Ive noticed with my Leo Ascendant friends that they tend to always get tons of attention. [ Apollo conjunct or close to the ascendant can bestow magnificent beauty. According to the orb I used, this transit is now over (though these outer planets do LINGER, dont they) and my friend has not done what she knows in her heart is right for her. You see the world from a very different perspective than other people. Mist. Astrology for the aesthetically inclined. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. Ascendant/Neptune = Will be romantic but not without possible confusion and misunderstandings. Lack of ambition. Dewy eyes, fat cheeks, plump lips. Planets aspecting the ascendant should be paid a lot of attention to, as it is a key pillar of the birth chart and the personality. Extreme sensitivity to suffering. What indicates fame in a natal chart? - Quora This aspects give the native an ethereal type of beauty that gets noticed. On a personal level, the excuse of being overwhelmed and dissociated from others will grow tiresome. Kim Kardashian and Paris Hiltonare twostars that found a different kind of fame and notoriety, both through high profile exposs leaked(!) Empathizing with a difficult path. She took a long time to admit that she was not going off with him and left him hanging and generally left him confused and hurt (but hes still there, hanging on and hoping!). Neptune-Ascendant Aspects In The Natal Chart - Tea & Rosemary Neptune conjuncts my Scorpio Ascendant. Venus conjunct Ascendant You have a friendly, affectionate attitude toward others and a great deal of personal charm if you have Venus conjunct your Ascendant. They will be especially wary of failure since Capricorn is on the ascendant. It is spirituality, loss and longing and governs mysteries and glamor, movies and photography, and all that is designed to delight and create wonder through a soft-focus lens When Neptune Is Rising Ask me me@astrolada.com. But, I feel this one gives a very interesting look. If Neptune is in the 12th house, the chart holder won't understand how empathetic and creative they are. Given that the Sun is the ruler of Leo, individuals with their Sun on their Ascendant often share similar qualities to Leo Ascendant individuals. This one brings infamy due to sexuality. I hope this comment is not too long. Artists, musicians, poets, and dreamers. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Neptune in First House Natal Meaning in Astrology They may even deny these abilities outright and refuse to use them for fear of failure. Venus in aspect to the ruler of the 1st house works very similarly to aspects to the ascendant.