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Unfortunately, because this primal urge for emotional nurturing relies so much on other people, you likely adapted by learning coping mechanisms if you did feel alone when young. Disciplined with their emotions, they can be seen as cold and detached, especially when theyre treating their intimate connections like businesses. Were no more in talking terms and will never be..I dont know how to get over this emotional trauma:-( Thanks . Explore the natal birth charts of celebrities and famous people by aspect: conjunction, square, trine, opposition, sextile and quincunx. All I can say is Ouch! This is the same with family and mates from my university. The closer Lilith is to the Sun the more it may feel eclipsed. Your charisma, appeal, sense of mystery, beauty, perception and attractiveness can add to this magnetism. It can bring chronic health problems. A Moon conjunct Saturn aspect in your natal chart can point towards a deeply emotional and moving journey. I have have this combination Moon conj. When animals are sad there is a real reason for it. This is a very good description of how moon / Saturn works.I like the teaching theme.I also have seen this with Sun / Saturn types.Moon / Saturn people are also attracted to older people ., Would this also apply to new moon conjunct Saturn? Astrology predictions. I say take love where you can get it recognize and accept it and not expect too much from others but always insist on respect and fair play and kindness. I just feel like living alone all the timebeing with myself. The combination of these two energies results in a person whose subconscious nature is extremely active, sometimes to an overwhelming . Ive always felt responsible for everyones conditions. Women with a Moon conjunct Saturn aspect in your natal chart can mean that you are an extremely mature, disciplined, emotional, moody, responsible, shy, quiet and determined person. a cold childhood, where the nurturing process of the family is affected, the child doesnt feel the usual warmth that should be in a normal family, more rules than feelings, a difficult relation with the mother, mother may disappoint, financial difficulties may be present in childhood, loneliness, the feeling that nobody cares for him/her, depression, it creates, especially in childhood, an atmosphere of strict morality, nobody can express free and has to show what the society asks, strict dogmatic views are present, religious or other type, sober, reserved, difficulty in emotional expression, shyness, melancholy, a period where you may experience loneliness, solitude, depression, guilt, you will have problems in expressing your feelings, you will become more distant from your family and other close people, people close to you may experience health problems, or you will be separated from them, it is a good period for profession, you can work hard and even isolate in what you are doing, you become self critical, you try to achieve the greatest standard. As a result, however, you might end up finding yourself drawn to people who are more than willing to give you this kind of validation, albeit in a selfish manner. A composite chart is a chart that can reveal the nature of your relationship. As she got older, she became more confident and relaxed. i even developed anxiety disorder and 4 years of my life was made hell by saturn.. but i hereby thank him with all my might for making me like this. They will usually have difficulty showing their feelings and affections to others, they might even feel disconnected from what they feel, and this is often due to a childhood experience of less attention and affection. You might even go so far as to question common necessities as embellishments and restrict your diet, clothing, and home furnishings to a minimumeven when you can comfortably afford more. Many will feel isolated from their loved ones and very lonely, even depressed and guilty of who knows what, but they wont want to express what goes on in their hearts and minds. Others may have had many arguments at home and strongly felt that their parents dont love them, which could be more or less true. This could greatly improve their relationships. This aspect can be made more difficult if either parent, especially the mother, was cold or mean towards you while you were young. This is happening especially to those of them who havent been allowed to socialize too much when they were children. It is a cold planet, a tough one, and request discipline, order, sustained effort, endurance. She also has transiting Saturn in her 8th house now. But they should be careful with their seriousness as it can make them very pessimistic and feeling like theyre all the time failing in life. Pluto is nearby too, also in Libra. Open up to others will take them out of isolation, not to mention how good friends they can be for others when no longer depressed. Tell yourself you love yourself and remember that if you feel, you are alive and there is always hope and a chance for change. Moon Conjunct Saturn. When you write someone it makes me sit up and think! Moon-Saturn Synastry. Even though these people are very sensitive and take things very personally you will rarely see them showing weakness in front of others, but do not allow this to fool you-a hard word or gesture will leave a scar in their heart and will stay there for much longer than another person. In this scenario, you learned that other people's issues were your problems. i wont say that i am so sorry rather it is the best thing happening to us ever.. afterall how much we can rely on others?? In the worst cases they will have periods of dejection and depression when they just give up and do not want to try anything, in their better days, they are a shining example of self control, discipline, hard working ethic and determiation to do all efforts necessary to succeed! The Moon is the emotional happiness and balance of the person. What she loves and feels natural to do will be almost rejected by the other, or saw like a childish attitude, something which is not proper to do. In order to develop all the process signified by the Moon, we need a warm, calm, nurturing environment, like the one in Cancer (thats why Moon is in domicile in Cancer). However, when the influence of this planetary aspect will pass, everything will turn to be more positive in their life. Struggle, effort, hard work are often laced with sorrow and resignation. Im in my early 30s & dont remember even a single day when my mother spoke to me decently leave aside loving me. This can make it seem like it is extremely difficult for you to move forward in your life in a meaningful and healthy manner. I suppose this would be very similar to someone with this conjunction on the Descendant, even square the relationship axis. , but didnt find out until later in life.they also had mars in cancer conjunct saturn.the biological parents died in a war. Nice for others to hear that things get better with age. Saturn conjunct Moon in natal chart or transit can bring health problems like: skin disease, insomnia, digestive troubles, weak digestion, infirmities, malformation, deposits of uric acid, for women tendency to obstruct the menses. However, during this period, many will be stuck and easy to stress. Your relationship is still likely to be deep and emotional. Anyway, we should start a club, this is a tough aspect. Just because The Moon & Saturn are both in the Fifth House, it doesn't necessarily mean they're conjunct. Instead, they should just focus on whats happening inside their mind, to the images and people that are making them more emotional, or to their guilty feelings. You try to be as self-sufficient and unobtrusive as possible. Hi Jamie This is an evil position for the Moon, as it tends to bring about delays and disappointments, and hinders the native's progress in all directions. Natives having the Moon conjunct Saturn transit in their birth chart are going through some very difficult times when having to deal with their own emotions, the unexplained guilt theyre usually felling and depression. In the final, he can achieve true emotional independence. 2019-2020 HoroscopeJoy Joy Carter All Rights Reserved. However, it is possible that this might be a way for you to cope with the lack of emotions that you have been taught to deal your hands with. for me that would be the 3rd using Koch but Cap would be intercepted in the 2nd using Placidus? So, transit Saturn conjunct natal Moon, will bring in your life: For women, it is a period when they can feel rejected, not appreciated. In this aspect, this transformation can arise from difficult circumstances where you might have to first overcome a negative situation and an emotionally demanding time. Which reminds me of this song actually and its charasmatic singer!! In many ways, the two will be closer than family or than either of their romantic relationships. You can then begin slowly to build new scaffolding that puts your life together better. Once you know that, I guess theres a workaround: make the phone calls. The Moon conjunct Saturn transit is not necessarily a balancing one because it influences relationships to turn bad. You're also more sensitive, even to constructive feedback from authority figures and people you look up to. It gives success through cooperation and partnership. Let yourself be immature sometimes instead of being too hard on yourself. I have been as Good as dead for that Disgusting Rotten family that I inherited here on this SHIT PLACE called Earth So, I never even Got that ONE phone call from them and its been for as long as I can Remember, basically my entire LIFE. Their instincts are to keep their friends and family too close sometimes, so these people may end up not making an effort anymore in the relationship with them. Putting such a person in a sweet, easy going and happy clappy environment will disturb them in the long term and they will feel uncomfortable there, so often in older age they choose more demanding careers and types of life, where one needs to use a heavy hard and no nonsense attitude or just work very hard. On the upside these individuals have an emotional toughness and have a sober realistic view about life and functionally they tend to take their parental responsabilies seriously regarding their children.Theyre not emotionally showy , but they do care. Ive had new people in my life be very receptive to me one minute and then start being very mean in a way that isnt in keeping with the level or length of our interaction like they are trying to hurt me for some reason i think its some sort of desire to bring me down a peg because Im aloof. Perhaps theres still a child in you that rarely gets outside to play. Moon conjunct with Ketu in a birth chart means that the native has a strong sense of intuition but becomes a difficult-to-understand personality, for you never know what he/she is up to. As you can see those two planets are really different, so the conjunction between Moon and Saturn it is a difficult one, and may generate some problems until you learn how to deal with it. seen a lot of hardship in my life making me v suspicious by nature. Meditation has been a key sanity check for me. They may encounter problems at home or with their partner. However, astrological aspects between planets are as representative - if not more - of the natal chart's signature. Saturn conjunct Moon it is an important aspect for everyone because it is made between two very different planets. Hi Jamie, the full in March will be close to natal Saturn 27 Virgo and at 2.32 in opposition to natal moon. My mother was a legal secretary and my only and older sister has her doctorate and we were raised by mother after a divorce when i was around 10. The one person I ever had a bond with was my Father but he died when I was 7. Some drama involving your home, parents, children, or partner will be very trying on your emotions and can lead to feelings of rejection and depression. However, when it comes to emotions, this day is one of the most difficult one of each month. This harmony can arise due to the Moon conjunct Saturn aspect, whose closeness can result in positive change, rejuvenation and optimism. Venus conjunct Pluto is all about power and control. She was so immensely sad!! This interpretation for Moon conjunct Saturn transit can be read for a lunar eclipse or full moon conjunct Saturn. Recognizing the honesty within people, however, is another trait that you are likely to have. Answer (1 of 29): Saturn and Moon conjunction in a Kundli means the placement of Moon and Saturn planet in the same house/sign. Saturn is also retrograde. This Saturn return is all about working on myself and Im taking that challenge head on and hoping that Saturn will bless me when its all over Any planet which is conjunct Saturn is starved. With this aspect, you must prepare well to deal with the threats of descending to the vortex of hidden fears, phobias, and insecurities. It is hard for him to express feelings or to be romantic. Sometimes this is as a result of actual abuse from authority figures. Spoiling themselves and meditating are also suggested when this planetary aspect is at its fullest. The Moon represents our emotions, the way in which we unconsciously or subconsciously respond to the crap that life throws at us. Needless to say, *a lot happened*. In medical astrology Saturn is associated with chronic disease, stoppages, retention, stagnation, depression, the aging process, bones disease, fractures, mineral deposits, skin. Credit card and 10 minutes purchase required. This will bring you closer to finding as much fulfillment as possible. But this is also a blessing in disguise because these can be some the most faithful, loyal and dedicated people--they will persevere till the bitter end and make their partners and loved ones feel secure! Saturn represents structures and boundaries. Sun conjunct black moon Lilith or sun quincunx Lilith play outs as the ego feeling exiled from the dominant cultural system. Moon conjunct Saturn natal burdens the emotional life with hardship, sadness, and guilt. In lists of people filtered by their Moon Aspects, only those with a known . Turns out she couldnt handle the all the energy from the past few days brought on by the the Aquarius Stellium. Usually around mid 30-ties onwards when Saturn matures and the person has learned the harsher lessons of this planet and how to navigate its waters through forgiveness. You might feel like your relationships are unusually powerful. I have conjunct Moon, Saturn and Asc in Sagittarius (also born on a full moon Sun in Gemini) I can really relate. Being emotionally detached can help them in their career because it makes these natives more practical and responsible. Many people such as scientists, teachers, novelists, philosophers , classical musicians, people staying in monastries who work and live in isolation have this combination . Theyre not unemotional, just afraid to not get rejected. I have this in my natal in 9 in Pisces. The Moon is the mind of the person, whatever planet is with the Moon will be the major vibration and focus for the person. Optional, cost of additional minutes varies by psychic from $3.50 to $9.50 (including tax) depending on the psychic pricing tier. As we can see that the characteristics of both the planets is opposite, one is most materialistic (Saturn) and other is most spiritual (Ketu). The Moon relies on feelings and emotional support. Seeing how this anger can turn into violence is also something that this aspect can influence. taught a great great lesson to me. They tend to be broad-minded, accommodating, dutiful, and optimistic people. They live with the thought of how deficient they are. Saturn Conjunct Moon Transit Thoughts and feelings can weigh heavily on your mind and heart. Its not unusual for those who are working hard to get what they want in life, so these natives should very much consider this before thinking theyll never be successful. Here, here I have it too and its of course part of a knarly T-square involving Moon/Saturn/Chiron(2nd house) in Pisces opposing Uranus/Pluto(8th house) in Virgo all squaring poor Jupiter in Gemini in the 6th house. You must also be careful with how you take on the emotional burdens of others. Yes..why not. The feeling of losing faith, being shunted off, overlooked or disposed of, is present quite a lot unquote You may have to deal with some challenging situations and negative attitudes which will feel worse than they are. They are not sure about themselves, they dont feel attractive anymore. Im going to sleep right through it because this energy isoverwhelmingly intense. Saturn and Ketu are natural malefic (Paapa & Krura both) and their conjunction and yoga is of a deadly nature. Thus, both your and your partners energies are looked at within the same chart to see how you are together and what you can expect moving forward. Saturn damages their confidence in front of public because in 1st house in kal-purush chart Sun gets exalted and one of the favorite sign of Sun and but for Saturn 1st . Moon Conjunct Saturn: As per Vedic Astrology, Saturn and Moon have an inimical relation with each other. Probably, he will attract women that are have saturnine traits, older than him and tend to be dominant in the relation. If the relation is not strong by other aspects, it will be impossible to live with this aspect in a love relation. Not a sexist bone in my body but this has never been easy for me (more an issue of strong wills clashing). That impression was in part formed by experiences of people in my life with Menkar, the brightest star in the constellation Cetus the Whale, in a prominent place. moon conjunct saturn. First, to understand this transit, you must see in which sign is the natal Moon, and the experience will be different as we saw earlier at the natal conjunction chapter. When it is with Saturn, in means that from young, or even from past lives, the person got used to more difficult environment, harsher circumstances (material or emotional) and self discipline, hence they will naturally attract and feel most comfortable in environments in which they have more challenges, responsibilities, hard workall things ruled by Saturn. Theyll simply pile up inside all of their negative emotions and not address them. This, of course, can complicate your intimate relationships and keep you repressing feelings that deserve to see the light of brighter days. If you're in therapy or engaged in self-evaluation, this can be a very insightful transit. Thanks for the article Jamie. This position is considered highly favorable in 10th house as it gives exceptional management and persuasion skills. Will not expect to be helped by others. When we have Moon conjunct Saturn in a synastry, this a very important point that should be well understood in order to help the relationship. They also werent necessarily warm to their own offspring. Therefore in horoscope analysis whenever there is the association of Saturn Moon, it is called Punarphoo Yoga or Vish Yoga. Now I do live far away from my hometown and mom, but I do have a good relation with her. Venus Conjunct Pluto Venus conjunct Pluto in the natal chart means that you are naturally intense in love. But I have all this guilt and anxiety and worry and phobias sitting right at the front door ready to rush in at the slightest disappointment. In a video of a zoo there was a koala female. Thoughts and feelings can weigh heavily on your mind and heart. i am now no more vulnerable, cant be easily victimised easily, in a nutshell, he acted like a spiritual guide to me. To avoid such a situation, you must figure out a healthy way to talk about what is making you angry so that you can resolve it in time. Such happenings can lead a person to no longer want to express him or herself, no matter if alone or surrounded by good friends. But first they need to learn to forgive others and themselves and worry less! Sun conjunct Saturn in 1st house: Sun and Saturn conjunction in 1st house is really sarcastic conjunction because Sun is self-identity, confidence and life giver. The person that has Saturn involved is reluctant to become too close, he knows that he is not so flexible in the area where the Moon wants to enter. Chances of death through poison or drowning is there. The Moon is usually associated with intuition, desire, attraction, subconsciousness, sensitivity, flexibility, mystery and emotionswhile Saturn is associated with authority, discipline, balance, growth, limitations, responsibility and maturity. A lot of charlatans and useless information out there as I am sure you are aware of! We know that. Im going through my Saturn return now and have been having a hard time emotionally for the last couple of months actually more like a year. i tooo have a wavering mind and i take a lot of unnecessary stress. It is clear that a Moon conjunct Saturn aspect can have several effects on your personality, relationships, desires, behavior as well as career. Sun Conjunct Moon in Friendship The Sun conjunct Moon in synastry will create a very close friendship. Their conjunction will mark a beginning of conflict in person. By The Mountain Astrologer. Saturn asks us to work hard and achieve, one step at a time. This applies at present to transit Saturn in Capricorn. My best wishes to anyone with this aspect. Some astrologers [1]call this combination of Saturn-Moon by . This can result in tension and conflict between the two energies which might then require resolution of some kind so that your personality traits, behavior and desires can be in sync. An aspect of Moon Conjunction Saturn in the natal chart indicates a person who values a stable, established domestic life, resourceful, creatively building from what is available and builds long lasting friendships built on trust and genuine care. Famous People with Sun conjunct Saturn: Robert Duvall (the aspect is exact, or partile), O. Henry (writer), Billy Corgan, Matt Dillon, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Usually in their childhood or past lives there was a repeating pattern of someone bringing up their shortcomings and being very demanding or hard on them, which later on they continue to replicate in their life by thinking it is ok for others to be harsh, deprecating or demanding on them or by becoming so towards themselves and others.