I'll do stuff that keeps the adrenaline going, but I'm doing it for fun. So, you have to do well in your landing grades. It snaps me out of that downward spiral. John Foley:See, that's a big difference. Well, I was going to ask, speaking, I mean, you and I are both out there, and Jeff too, at the highest levels. We have a debrief. You feel yourself start to constrict, and your mind starts to get into this flight or fight mode, which is what we're trained to do. Peloton founder John Foley stepped down from his CEO role on Feb. 8 following a tumultuous period for the connected fitness company. Now I love my dad. I don't need that anymore. We brief every Monday mornings on the week and stuff. You're you're in that focused state. And then, I guess maybe reflect on that flow focus that you had then and how now that perhaps has given you the ability to be able to get in that meditative pocket now. They're gone. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. The U.S. Navy Blue Angels will transition to the Super Hornet platform for the 2021 season. Erik Weihenmayer:John, you guys were talking about these parameters, but how big of a can you make? We're talking to each other. It's at an angle. You don't start flying 36 inches, 18 inches from another jet. I wasn't even thinking about this, but I was kind of flirting with this idea of, being in the military, being a blue angel, I could imagine that your heart gets left behind because you have to be perfect. I've been doing trauma for a long time. Antique James Kent "Old Foley" Blue/White Staffordshire Pitcher, England. Then we give it away. Yeah. What does John Foley suck at? Even the, if you've ever seen a briefing of the Blue Angels, the boss's tone of his voice is exactly what we're going to experience together. I want to go into the entrepreneurial world. For my life, very quickly, is on the teams, on the Blue Angels, you go into that assignment knowing exactly how long you're going to be there. It made my dad's year, not his day. Our first conversation of the new year is with a former navy jet pilot. You finally get to the air show, and you can feel it. Didrik Johnck:Didrik Johnck here, producer of the No Barriers Podcast. It can mean so many different things depending on who you ask and what day of the week it is. And they've got a great program too. When that canopy came down, I'd be curious to see what you guys use, and you felt the canopy lock. It's been a struggle to live what I call a no barriers life, to define it, to push the parameters of what it means. During . I'm not sure if most people can get their heads around what that looks like. Jeff:That's sweet of you to talk about me like that, bro. You're flying six inches apart from each other. I mean, you got this jet, it's coming in about 145 miles per hour. Anyhow, the bottom line is, to answer your question, JB, is I've been doing decent. We call it a brief room, but really, it's mental preparation before we go flying. Then the other thing that occurs to me is, as I've taken the deeper dive on the Gucci platform, is this other little side note that I wouldn't have guessed. John Foley:Yeah. That was the basketball team, not the football team, but it's still the athletic department. As a Blue Angel, John consistently performed in an extreme, high-stakes environment, flying at speeds of more than 500 miles per hour in formations as close as 18 inches apart. Anyway, got talked into doing recitals, and it is so funny because I get so freaking nervous in front of a group of 50 parents, and I'm surrounded by like sixth graders. It evolves over time, but we need that pocket. What's the minuses? There are few examples where this is more dramatically demonstrated than with the Blue Angels. John Foley:I think the first part of focus is you got to block out the distractions. It was during these deployments that Foley received the Top Nugget Award for first-tour pilots in Carrier Air Wing Eleven, and was also recognized as one of the Top 10 of all air wing pilots. Erik Weihenmayer:My hands sweat, my hand shake. Either you step up to that challenge, okay? And just take a breath. John Foley:The human brain will do that naturally. Well, both. Is that what I think the states that we got into, no one taught me how to visualize. They can't do it forever. . help you have the best experience while on the site. Do you sort of put a flavor of that pocket into your personal practice as well as the way you teach it? There's the transcendence of that. I'm a emergency room PA. The point is, I want to know just your general feeling. It builds confidence, and your teammates go, okay. You're landing on a runway that happens to be a boat. That's what it meant while I was a Blue Angel. Erik Weihenmayer:Sure. John Foley:Okay. Jeff:You're welcome for all that work I've done with you. You're in the zone. I mean, clearly, you know what I want to do, I want to sit around a campfire with you and sip on just a little snifter of some good bourbon sometime. Using Blue Angel methodology as a model, Foley has developed a unique approach that equips others to make the same journey toward excellence in execution. Jeff:That's three times in a row, three misses on the same John Foley:Yeah. I'm so glad there's such a similarity here, and that's why I've been looking forward to talking with you is we've never flown a perfect air show. John 'Gucci' Foley, the legendary Blue Angel's lead solo pilot, has perfected the art of inspiring and instructing organizations big and small to achieve more using the very practices he learned and mastered with the Blue Angels. As I contemplate the trajectory of, say my climbing career, my speaking career, the things that I do with my family and everything, I contemplated a whole lot more because all those marbles in the jar, there's just fewer of them. That was a big leap. It took me 18 years, and I did. As a thought leader on high performance, John created the "Glad To Be Here" Mindset Methodology and the Diamond Performance Framework. I climb out of the jet. Erik Weihenmayer:Over time, you talk about focus, right? Because a lot of times you can be off but you're still within parameters. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to Yeah, I lived through some, and here I am, and now I'm really grateful to be present, but there's more to it than that. Erik Weihenmayer:John, backing up, one thing I kind of missed in my thought process talking to you was, you were on that track to be a Blue Angel, and you talked about your dad who was an officer. In what was once thought to be an impossibility, the Blue Angels made history in 1992 by becoming the first United States flight team to fly over the skies of Moscow, Russia. Jeff:I know. I feel grateful and a lot of pride for the men and women who are doing that. I mean, you got the energy of the crowd, the noise of the jets going overhead. I don't care how bad you want it. I've taught myself to block out distractions. It wasn't the physical side. I've gotten the chance to ascend Mount Everest, to climb the tallest mountain in every continent, to kayak the Grand Canyon, and I happen to be blind. I think the first thing, Erik, that I've learned over time is I like to say there's two beliefs. 500 mph with former Blue Angels pilot John Foley 00:00 01:06:31 about the episode Happy 2022 everyone. They knew it. Success is a funny word. Jeff:All right. We learned how to do this without anybody ever teaching it to us. I mean, of course, I want to continue to grow and continue to learn in areas that, like we said earlier, JB, if I can teach someone how to meditate, how to focus now, like I speak to of sports teams all the time. You surprised me in so many different ways, but I wouldn't imagine that glad to be here, other than just the realization like, holy, man, I lived through some things. Or maybe he didn't realize it. You've ascended to this high level, the highest level. John Foley:And you learn from them. They continually have a process that wins. However, not all the jets in the team fly at the fastest speeds. block. I actually suck at it. For nearly 20 years, I was a commander in the US Navy and became Lead Solo Pilot for the Blue Angels. Then you actually back out, you stabilize and you come back in. I'm grateful to be in this moment. John Foley:Oh, well, tons of them. If I'm complacent, that's what I got to worry about. Whoever's the leader got to speak first. They also, Kirby Smart, he worked under coach Saban, so I actually think George's favorite. The Blue Angels announced six new team members overall. Even if Alabama is a better, let's say team, proven by the earlier performance, the chances of repeating that are so hard at this level. In fact, by the way, the College Football Championship's tonight. It's like, oh, that would be cool, but geez, that's a pipe dream. John Foley:You'll be flying jets off aircraft carriers, but it is your time to go. I love it because I'm in front of groups all the time blah, blah, blah. GLAD TO BE HERE T-Shirt Black. I just want to do something that's personal. There's fundamentals that work like breathwork, like my morning routine, what do I do when I wake up in the morning? I used a trigger. (Navy) The Navy's Blue Angels will conduct their final flight in the legacy F/A-18 Hornet . You have to be What's crazy is though I practiced and practiced and practiced and know these songs, it's just, when I get in front of the group, it's when everything sort of falls apart, I forget what I'm supposed to do. He shares how to center a team around shared goals, strengthen relationships, and create unity that leads to consistent and effective results. I'm going to actually have a voice command and I'll actually move. They are one of the largest one percenter motorcycle clubs in the United Kingdom. I remember that. I know it'll happen. We get a choice of how we want to perceive a situation. Because I'd love to swap some stories with you. It causes stuckness. Fearless Success: Beyond High Performance. Number one, Alabama, Nick Saban, that program is probably one of the strongest programs I've ever seen. John Foley shares how management can stimulate performance by creating a culture that values expression of gratitude and appreciationfor opportunities, co-workers, and clients. We proudly represent the heritage, agility, flexibility, and. The departure of Foley, who led the company since its. I liked it. Thank you for that. You're not doing this. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. To survive in those circumstances he relied on a culture of high trust, leadership and teamwork. I know you do and facilitate, you do personally, but also facilitate a lot of breathwork and meditation with clients, and you do it yourself. It didn't mean I didn't get sidetracked into, hey, I want to play professional football or something like that. Captain Steve Foley, a native of Dolton, Illinois, enlisted in the Navy in 1983 and rose to the enlisted rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer. That's just a one sentence. There's a lot of crowds trying to get in there, the parking. True to his word, Foley applied to the military academies but was initially rejected for having too much protein in his urine. It's like, oh my God, this person's mad at me. Because they probably know it anyhow. John Foley:That's basically what he was saying. That's not good. Foley has served as an adviser to Fortune 500 corporations, professional athletic teams, venture capital companies, professional associations and educational organizations and successfully connects the high intensity of the Blue Angles with your organization. Second night landing, I miss all the wires, it's called the bolter. I land the jet after that and now you-. You have to be amazing. John Foley:Sorry for that little blurb, but that's-. You bring the best athletes you can, but it's not about an individual. I just don't need to do it at the level I used to. So, I went heli-skiing yesterday. Well, then I want to ask you a little bit more about that debrief because that's something that I'm You guys have a persona and it's tough. They know the nuance. I'm not waiting to see if the boss's airplane moves or not. Join Erik & Jeff for this high energy chat with John Foley. They shut me down. I've been doing this for about six months now, learn, grow, give. My name is Erik Weihenmayer. But we're only moving, hopefully between three and six inches, not feet. He was saying two and a half years of pilot training, all the stuff I've been through, if you can't land a jet on an aircraft carrier at night, you're no good to the Navy. Is that part of the process of being focused? Erik Weihenmayer:Jeff, Imma slap you on the back. Because I'm not trying to teach people to be a Blue Angel pilot. They're going to be off. We all know the science behind appreciation and gratitude, how it changes the way your brain thinks, the neurons fire and all that. What I've learned is, it's like two sides of the same coin, operational excellence, process, briefs, debriefs, preparation, focus, trust, and then you add in this glad to be here mindset. These fundamentals are incredibly important because that's what we all learn from, we got to have a process, but I think the difference when you're talking to somebody who's actually done it and done it at a high level. Like, glad to be here. 18 seconds, it takes nine seconds for the hit to happen, and then we have a clear for nine seconds. I'm not going to be distracted by the fight I got with my spouse earlier this morning or about the kids that are waiting there. It's really about overcoming the mental side of the equation. Foley, the former lead solo pilot of the Navy's elite Blue Angels shares their process and mind-set for achieving the highest level of performance. Keep going. Am I waking up this morning? Heck, there's a ton of fear out there in our lives all the time. Erik Weihenmayer:No, I get very excited. "Glad to be here isn't something you simply say. They believe in process. B, that it's out of parameters, so you get to decide as an organization what's in parameters and what's out. Maybe I don't, I don't know, but I pull my heart away and just focus clinically as to what's going on. Design, CMS, Hosting & Web Development :: ePublishing, This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best experience. I do that through meditation in the mornings. . Then he looked at me very clearly and he said, "I'm going to give you one more chance. Maybe it's a deliverable on work. I think that Georgia has the advantage. Now everybody and their dead grandma can. Bottomline is, we fly jets off aircraft carriers. Glad To Be Here Debrief Program - Digital Book. That is what's happening to me in the jet. Scared to me means I'm aware, I'm present. Having developed a strong bond with his opposing solo, Ken Switzer, for the 1992 season, the two explored implementing new maneuvers including the Section High Alpha Pass and the Solo Section Take-Off. He says, "You know those orders to the midway? That map, that way forward is what we call no barriers. The Blue Angels travel at speeds between 120 mph and 700 mph. That part of the maneuver for that 18 seconds is absolutely what you just talked about. What's hard is to be aware of the situation. Don't you wish you would've had that back when you were doing all these crazy maneuvers. The Refrigerated Foods Association (RFA) is excited to announce the keynote speaker for their 41st Annual Conference & Exhibition in February, 2022: John Foley. We're constantly in a state of training. I think the hack now is that we're realizing you can get to that flow state through finding that practice and being centered. Erik and I are like old aged salty mountain guys. Mentors come into our lives when we're young, especially for me, it was obviously my dad, and then people I never met, like accidental mentors, like Terry Fox, who was an amputee who lost a leg to cancer and decided he was going to run all the way across Canada, thousands of miles, and he inspired a whole nation. With a desire to fly with an F/A-18 Hornet squadron, Foley was selected for jet training at NAS Chase Field in Beeville, Texas. I didn't realize what I realize now, how powerful that really was. I just said, I bet you, I could be decent, but do I have the natural skills to be a musician? Through their interdependence as a team, members are also challenged and stimulated to achieve higher levels of individual performance. John Foley:You feel the crowd. The idea is you got to work way up to it. To me, the easiest ones or relationships, whether they're personal or not. We can only do so much with ourselves. It went well today. John Foley:Right. Scared to me means I'm aware, I'm present. And I love it. But for JB and I, the shit goes by quickly, right? Vintage Pair of Old Foley James Kent White Plate with Red Floral and Bird Pattern 10 Inch Plates. And what discoveries does he continue to make today? John Foley is a former lead solo pilot of the Blue Angels, Sloan Fellow at Stanford's Graduate School of Business, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, leadership expert, speaker and Gratitude Guru. John Foley:I'm just going to reinforce that in my body. It was in Newport, Rhode Island place called Kwanzaa Point. - John Foley, Blue Angels. Okay. I didn't say that day, I hope to do that. It comes with practice and it comes with the awareness. So, thank you very, very much for spending some of your time. But you're exactly right, that's exactly the zone I'm in when I'm in a maneuver. John Foley:Once you finish this, you actually are going to deploy. Go join the Air Force. We know that you've got a lot of choices about how you can spend your time, and we appreciate you spending it with us. Sir John Foley (British Army officer) (born 1939), former Chief of Defence Intelligence and Lieutenant-Governor of Guernsey John D. Foley (1918-1999), American bomber gunner in World War II John H. Foley (1839-1874), American soldier and Medal of Honor recipient John Foley (major) (1813-1881), Irish-born soldier and merchant Religion [ edit] Jeff:I think you're right. You're probably right. They're not going to be the Blue Angel necessarily, right? How has it impacted your life? Right? There's fear out there. $ 9.99. I'm thinking about climbing. How do you increase that sense of focus? The Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron today announced their schedule for the 2005 show season. See, that's more important to me because I want to know if they're aware. It goes, woo. I'm not qualified. It's not straight and leveled.
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